Thursday, December 14, 2006

I want these!

I want these!
Originally uploaded by tormave.
18:02 13 December, 2006 13122006213 Somehow I managed to convince myself these are the glasses I absolutely want. Problem is, these were on display in Munich airport (and bloody expensive) and I was in a hurry. To add to the difficulty, the camera didn't really pick up the label in a readable way...

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Welcome home

Welcome home
Originally uploaded by tormave.
23:32 01 December, 2006 01122006208 A familiar sight when returning to Helsinki at midnight from a business trip: a few other people doing exactly the same, waiting in the taxi line. In most world airports a taxi queue means a line of taxis waiting to pick up clients. In Helsinki late at night it's the clients that queue. This being winter time, better bring warm clothes.