We woke up in Montreux, had a great breakfast with scenic views over the lake and headed to Château de Chillon, a medieval castle on a small island right next to shore. We walked around with just the small leaflet, not with the audio guide. The castle apparently also has a free Wifi network and a free guide app, but at least my iPad could not suck down the app in a short enough time - advisable to download before arrival, then.

The exhibits were mostly about life (and death) throughout the time. There was a special exhibit on witches, pretty gruesome stuff. Our son would've enjoyed the arms exhibits.

Our next stop was at the next town along the lakeshore, Villeneuve. Have to admit the main reason we were here was because of a pair of Canadian racing drivers of the same name. We found a nice cafe in the quiet main street and the post office. The postcards we mailed took only a few days to reach the destinations!

Next we were going to Chamonix and on the way we wanted to stop by Lake Emosson dam. From somewhere I had gotten the idea that this was used as a backdrop to the famous bungee jump scene in a James Bond movie GoldenEye. I might be completely off the base with this one, but anyhow up and up we went until the road was blocked. I must admit the dam wasn't anything compared to the 3+ hour hike to the dam and back to the car. Had we fully understood the extent of the walk ahead, we would've just turned around so I'm glad we didn't. The views and the mountain air were amazing. There was a hiking trail up from the roadblock parking lot which we took going up - there was quite a lot of snow on it so we walked back along the serpentine asphalt road - longer but faster. While at the dam there were no services available and even the access to the dam was closed, but there was so much snow this wasn't really a problem.
On the way to Chamonix the GPS navigator went completely crazy due to the mountains intermittently blocking the signal, but we found our hotel at the end, had fabulous dinner in the hotel restaurant and fell asleep in an instant thereafter.