Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How to iron a shirt the easy way?

How to iron a shirt the easy way?
Originally uploaded by tormave.
19:23 27 November, 2007 27112007013 Two birds with one stone: smoothing a back pack wrinkled business shirt while heating up the miserably cold hotel room at the same time. The hotel also had these lame hookless clothes hangers so I had to invent a clever hair dryer cord arrangement to position the shirt into the steam flow. In terms heat and pressure of shower output Netherlands is up there with the best of countries, but this Utrecht hotel room is as cold as the Amsterdam one was last week.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A morning commute

Nokia launched today a beta web service for Sports Tracker, a GPS based monitoring client/service for sports acitivities. I've been using the standalong client for a long time and it was always a problem what to do with the records scattered to (as of now) 4 different phones.

Now the records can be stored to the web service and shared from there. This is an example of a morning commute by bike. Monitorin your own biking performance might sound a bit control-freakey, but at least I find new motivation in keeping a diary like this.

Now the service even allows sharing of workout photos.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Spaceman Spiff

Spaceman Spiff
Originally uploaded by tormave.
13:56 01 November, 2007 01112007006 This is me feeling a bit shaky after laser surgery in It was two weeks ago but my eye sight is not quite 20/20 yet. Here's hoping it will...

Gone fishing

Gone fishing
Originally uploaded by tormave.
14:57 21 October, 2007 21102007005 Joona follows inspiration from the latest Legends of Zelda game and tries to catch small fishies with our home-made play gear. So far: no bites.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Reptile pic

Reptile pic
Originally uploaded by tormave.
14:44 29 September, 2007 29092007220 A visit to Tropicario produced this picture. I know such reptile displays are pretty commonplace, but I think this is a pretty nice picture nevertheless. Especially so for a camera phone photo. I like how the scales on the head reflect light and how the head stands out from the background when shooting with macro mode.

Those crazy Dutch

Those crazy Dutch
Originally uploaded by tormave.
20:01 07 September, 2007 07092007190 Interesting architecture in nothern part of Amsterdam. Many people in Amsterdam live in house boats, but the alternative is moving into a house that looks like cruise liner bridge.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Body art

Body art
Originally uploaded by tormave.
18:31 25 August, 2007 25082007177 A local artist in Helsinki has created a piece of art she sometimes carts around town as an act of ... art. Here is the artist and the artwork together waiting to cross the street. I don't really get what she is trying to say, but I like the fact she's able and allowed to say it nevertheless.

A reasonable request

A reasonable request
Originally uploaded by tormave.
14:53 09 August, 2007 09082007176 In addition to talking your laptop and itsy bitsy ziploc bagged fluid bottles out of your bag, emptying your pockets, taking off your belt, jacked and shoes, sir ... would you mind unloading your 44 magnum as well? Yep, I guess I am in Texas...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Exit light...

Exit light...
Originally uploaded by tormave.
22:38 15 July, 2007 15072007168 ... enter night! I doubt there are many places in the world where Metallica gets such an enthusiastic reception after all these years.

Hard rock queue

Hard rock queue
Originally uploaded by tormave.
18:00 15 July, 2007 15072007163 Somewhere up there is the Olympic stadium with HIM and Metallica will play later. The security people made certain that the entry to the stadium was as narrow as possible, but we would learn that a lot later.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Watch out long jumpers!

Watch out long jumpers!
Originally uploaded by tormave.
10:33 21 July, 2007 21072007171 We had a really nice week playing golf, tennis and everything else in the Finnish sports academy in Vierumäki. This year we spent our entire holiday in Finland. Better for the environment and also the last thing I wanted to see this holiday were airports, planes and hotels. Nice to see the different sides of the homeland as well.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


Originally uploaded by tormave.
16:26 05 July, 2007 05072007153 Joona makes sure Finnish skies are safe in the air defence museum near where my parents live. Small boys are drawn to big guns no matter how peaceful life nowadays is. Must be in the genes or something.

Monday, July 2, 2007


Originally uploaded by tormave.
14:33 02 July, 2007 02072007136 Joona bouncing up and down in an amusement/activity park called Puuhamaa.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Tri-City Dust Devils 10, Vancouver Canadians 4

20:17 19 June, 2007 19062007126 A home team hitter misses a fast ball in minor league home opener in Vancouver. Baseball is not the sport you want to watch not having slept really at all for 1.5 days. I left after 4 innings despite the great weather.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cause and effect?

Cause and effect?
Originally uploaded by tormave.
17:13 18 June, 2007 18062007121 Glacier melting into a huge lake in Greenland with quite little snow as well. 16% of the apparent reason is on the right hand side of the picture. I am on my way to Vancouver and according to Lufthansa they are burning 4.2 litres of kerosene for every 100 kilometres they hurl me across the globe.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Where's the city centre?

Where's the city centre?
Originally uploaded by tormave.
18:02 07 June, 2007 07062007105 It's hard to get lost in Berlin. In the middle (Mitte) stands a 300+ metre TV tower that really dominates the skyline.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Originally uploaded by tormave.
17:46 06 May, 2007 06052007090 Proud gold medalist after the weekend of matches is over. Joonas team went 3-0-1 through to win gold medals.

Coaching for success

Coaching for success
Originally uploaded by tormave.
18:06 05 May, 2007 05052007085 Pre-game strategizing in a junior floorball tournament. Joona was playing left wing in this two-day, four-game event.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Take a hike

Take a hike
Originally uploaded by tormave.
14:30 08 April, 2007 08042007063 Sunny spring hike in Nuuksio, which is a very large national park quite close to where we live.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

London calling

London calling
Originally uploaded by tormave.
12:59 17 March, 2007 17032007016 A warm stroll through Regents Park before attending friends' wedding.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Soon I'll be swimming

Soon I'll be swimming
Originally uploaded by tormave.
14:28 11 March, 2007 11032007009


Originally uploaded by tormave.
13:16 11 March, 2007 11032007003 It's hard to believe just two weeks ago I was skating over there. This year winter weather lasted for one month (February). The climate change is getting harder and harder to ignore, even if the warmth this year is partly just natural patterns.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

We are all individuals

We are all individuals
Originally uploaded by tormave.
15:34 13 February, 2007 13022007232 Cool tie: check. Nice shirt: check. Funky shoes: check. New, custom-tailored suit: check. I am really going to stand out in the crowd... Bugger. 3GSM in Barcelona must be one of the largest gatherings of men in suits talking to cell phones.