Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Xmas!

After a long long radio silence, this is just to tell you that the blog ain't dead. The energy previously used to update this has just been more than spent on other things, which hopefully will now be completed in the next few weeks. So in the absence of Christmas cards that should've been mailed long ago, here's "Merry Xmas everyone!" from me.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Feeling dizzy?

Feeling dizzy?
Originally uploaded by tormave.
12 September, 2008 09:31:19 Here's a handy refill station for travellers needing a quick refreshment. I dunno if these have been around for long, but it's the first time I ever saw one. There are so many medical TV series now that anyone knows how to use them: you apply the gel, charge the pads, yell "CLEAR!" and zap the person on both sides of the chest or thereabouts. If you take a nap in Frankfurt airport, don't take it here...

Misty falls before take-off

Misty falls before take-off
Originally uploaded by tormave.
08 September, 2008 18:14:31 In hot and humid countries there is an interesting phenomenon when the airplane air conditioning is blasting at full tilt when the boarding begins.

Friendly fire

Friendly fire
Originally uploaded by tormave.
06 September, 2008 13:23:53 First post after a long hiatus. A barbecue in the making back in the parents country lot.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

License to golf

License to golf
Originally uploaded by tormave.
24 July 2008 21:45:34 Our son Joona took his golfing intro course a week ago and here he is with his green card and his instructor. The first round we played dropped Joonas HCP from 54 to 51. Watch out Tiger Woods...

Golf and nature

Golf and nature
Originally uploaded by tormave.
21 July 2008 17:29:59 There's a lot of talk right now about climate which most of which I completely agree (private car use, public transport, riding a bike, long-haul flights, saving energy at home, etc.). Now the environmentalists have also taken golf as a terget. I think this is taking things too far at least for two reasons: 1) I'm selfish and really like playing golf and 2) I really don't see how e.g. this course through these woods is destroying our environment.The picture in from the Classic course in Vierumäki.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Circular rainbow

Circular rainbow
Originally uploaded by tormave.
30 June 2008 15:11:50 There was an interesting light reflection around the sun today. Must say I've never seen one before, or paid any attention if I did. Pointed it out to my parents and they said it's nothing unusual and means that it's going to rain tomorrow. I would doubt the meteorogical significance, but it looked cool nevertheless.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Consumer rant: bike lock misery

This is going to be a big deviation from the posts I usually make in this pretty non-topical blog of mine. I could climb on a high horse here and claim I am trying to convince other consumers to benefit from my mistakes, but really this is just to get even with companies that design such poor products I was stupid enough to buy.

So here we go, topic is bike lock consumer review.

First lock to be reviewed is the Kryptonite Evolution Mini. It's claimed by the manufacturer to be the "lock of choice by bike messengers world wide". Based on my experiences, I seriously doubt this is the case. The lock itself is fantastic, supposedly very safe and even with some kind warranty against your bike being stolen. The key hole has a protective cover against the elements and the mechanism seemed to be solid. Fantastic design then, right? Wrong!

The problem is getting the lock to the place you want to bike to. Design for the EZ Mount Bracket is a classic afterthought: it's made of plastic and while the bar attachment is quite innovative to fit a wide range of tube diameters, the whole thing is just way too long and flimsy to withstand any serious bumps.

Why? One end is firmly fixed to the bike and there is a kilo of free-hanging metal bouncing at the other. Both brackets broke cleanly in half at the seam near the locking mechanism, which almost seems to have been designed to split there. Maybe a good sales strategy to sell more locks?
I already wrote about this in a previous blog entry and to make a long story short, the holder that came with the lock was in two pieces less than a month from purchase. I managed to recover the lock the first time, but second time around I lost half of the holder as well as the pretty expensive lock. In my book, a lock that's in a different place than the bike is seriously useless.

SCORE for Kryptonite Evolution Mini: 0 of 5 - piece of shit

The lock I replaced the Kryptonite with after it was lost for good is the Basta XL Pro. It really would appear that the manufacturer has no web presence, which is telling in itself. Looking at the mounting bracket alone, I should have known what was coming.

The good thing about the Kryptonite holder was that it kept the lock in tight (no noise) and was a breeze to attach/detach the lock into. The plastic Basta holder scores much worse on both regards. At least the pedestrians knew I was coming because of the infernal noise (think metal clankin against metal) the lock was making shaking in its holder. Partly because of this I wasn't that sad to see the whole thing gone AWOL one day. When I left I had a lock and holder and at the other end of the commute I no longer had either. For its defense, the mounting bracket lasted more than a month, which is twice the mileage I got from the Kryptonite ones on average. I think it's anyway fair to give an equal score as the end result is identical.

SCORE for Basta XL Pro: 0 of 5 - piece of shit

After these experiences I thought the way to go is forget about the lock being resistant to breaking attempts and try to maximize the possibility of the lock keeping quiet and staying on the bike to the other end of my journey. The third lock to be reviewed is the Basta Click MTB.

I usually avoid vendors I have bad experiences with, but in many stores in Finland Basta is the only lock on sale and I thought my mistake not buying a Basta per se, but buying an U-lock. Based on what happened here, it's hard to fathom why this is the prevalent make on offer however.

Before I move on to the bitter end of this one, I have to point out that there actually is a regular Click and then the mountain bike version I got. One would think the latter to at the very least have a key hole cover as many mountain bikes are driven in dirty off-road conditions, at least in theory. Mine isn't, by the way - now in the summer I have slick tyres. The lock has this cool spring load action (hence, "Click") when you open it, which worked about a week. It got progressively harder and harder to open and close the lock, but this was summer and I was driving in dry conditions so I postponed spraying the lock with gun oil through the key hole a bit too long. Big mistake. One morning last week after five weeks of use I really had to make an effort to get the darn thing to give. Thing is, what gave was the key. I'm no strong man but managed to twist the key into two parts with my left hand. Business end of the key was stuck in the key hole, seemingly for good. Thus while the failings of the U-locks made it impossible to lock the bike, this one failed by preventing the legal owner unlocking it. How annoying is wearing all you biking gear early in the morning and realising you aren't pedaling anywhere today? Let's just say that breaking the lock in paid good money didn't feel as bad as it otherwise would have.

SCORE for Basta Click MTB: off the scale - so crappy you wouldn't believe

I bought a cheapo lock from Biltema next, but haven't driven it anywhere yet. It's the fifth lock on my bike this year and it's only friggin' June (the one not reviewed here was a rusty old thing I nicked off my wifes bike between Kryptonite brackets #1 and #2). Getting money back for a product that you either no longer have or have sawed into two pieces proved to be an impossibility.

I am so pissed off with the two vendors I decided to film the breaking of the third lock and I will make a video version of this review as well. I will also make every effort to get a maximum number of hits to both the video and this review. Every Basta or Kryptonite lock that never gets bought as a result come with a sweet taste of revenge. You know what they say: "Don't get mad, get even".

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Midnight misty sunrise, take 2

Midnight misty sunrise, take 2
Originally uploaded by tormave.
14 June 2008 00:54:52 ...

Midnight misty sunrise, take 1

Midnight misty sunrise, take 1
Originally uploaded by tormave.
14 June 2008 00:44:58 Driving back to the little hut after the awesome LP gig the landscape was simply breathtaking.

Playhouse Disney

Playhouse Disney
Originally uploaded by tormave.
13 June 2008 18:11:02 I went to a rock festival this weekend, mostly to see Linkin Park play. At 38, I'm just way too confort-oriented to spend a night in a tent amongst the drunken masses. I ended up staying in this hut a farmer was renting out. I could stand upright where the roof is highest and was dry and warm inside. I was definitely missing the whole festival experience but - unlike most - I was there to see the band play. More about that in the channel in a minute.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nothing here to see

Yesterday I visited poland for the first time in my life. The problem with business trips in the IT industry is that it's very seldom the operator or vendor offices are someplace nice. Typically the location is in a generic business park on the outskirts of town conveniently close to the generic airport.

This certainly was the case yesterday. I had my camera ready all the time but all the pictures I took could be from anywhere. Luckily there are services for recording where one's visited. For what it's worth, I've now been to Warsaw. Where to next?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I just noticed that I've recently had readers from California, Arizona and Florida amongst other places. I can't for the life of me figure out who you people are. In case you come here again, please leave a comment to this post. I've put this together for the family and relatives mostly, but everyone's welcome of course. I'm just wondering who you guys are and how you found this blog of mine.

Click that comment link now!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Leaving Sweden

Leaving Sweden
Originally uploaded by tormave.
08 May 2008 20:06:42 A sunset view to Swedish archipelago drifting towards the horizon at 20 knots. The camera phone picture doesn't do justice to how worderful it looked like to the naked eye.

Springtime in Stockholm

Springtime in Stockholm
Originally uploaded by tormave.
08 May 2008 12:00:44 Finnish and scandinavian people simply go mad when the sun comes out and the grass is green again. It seems everyone is soaking in as much of the long lost sun as is practically possible. I was in Stockholm last week and in this park all the lunch hour sunny patches were filled with lightly clothed people catching some rays. In the shade it was actually very cold, but it seems there is no going back from the T-shirt season once its begun.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Like Kryptonite to Superman

Like Kryptonite to Superman
Originally uploaded by tormave.
23 April 2008 08:21:42 Kryptonite does make fantastic locks, but the holding brackets on the other hand are crap. What's the point in having an überlock when it's someplace else than where you arrived to with the bike? Mine is somewhere along this route.

Smell like tulips?

Smell like tulips?
Originally uploaded by tormave.
21 April 2008 18:49:12 A nice canalfront terrace restaurant in the Netherlands. Sunny, warm and ... distinct smell of cattle manure. The food inside was fantastic, but the smell outside at least at this time of year was unspeakably bad.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hammerhead steaks in Espoo

Hammerhead steaks in Espoo
Originally uploaded by tormave.
08 March 2008 11:00:30 Our local grocery store tends to be one of the better stocked ones, but never in a million years did I expect to find a 8 ft long hammerhead shark grinning at me. It's safe to say globalization has reached its peak when this can profitably be done.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Gone fishing, part II

Gone fishing, part II
Originally uploaded by tormave.
17 February 2008 09:03:20 Hiring a longtail gave Joona finally a taste of real fishing instead of just dipping a piece of wire underwater. The big game part of trip was not a huge success (no bites), but angling near a small island resulted with a couple of snappers caught and many more fed with our bait: pieces of raw squid.

Budget underwater photography

Budget underwater photography
Originally uploaded by tormave.
17 February 2008 12:25:55 The big problem with snorkeling in tropical areas is that the coral reefs are impossible to explain to other people in words. It's truly a revelation to find that the stuff one saw in Jacues Cousteau documents is there for anyone to see in so many places. Underwater camera equipment can be quite pricey so the only way was to convince everyone you wanted to share the experience with to join you in the water. I found this Korean product just browsing the web after our last trip to Thailand - these can be had for less than 20 euros e.g. on German eBay.After this first trip using DiCaPac, I am truly sold on this little invention. It's would be worth the price just for the moisture protection for canoeing or longboat trips, but the fact that you can also take a normal digicam snorkeling or scuba diving (at least in relatively small depths) makes this a true bargain.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Shells aplenty

Shells aplenty
Originally uploaded by tormave.
During our vacation Joona had the flu but once he was fit enough to come to the beach, he was quick to re-discover the old holiday favourite: picking up washed up sea shells from the beach.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Our crib in Koh Lanta

Our crib in Koh Lanta
Originally uploaded by tormave.
Our villa from outside. The location couldn't be better as we are right next to the oceanfront, restaurant and pool. Nice!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Another psychedelic morning

Another psychedelic morning
Originally uploaded by tormave.
01 February 2008 09:32:33 Unfortunately the poor phone cam missed almost totally the fuchsia hue of the morning sky today. The sunset view over Gulf of Finland fit perfectly with the Jimmy Hendrix compilation I was listening to while pedaling to work. Purple Haze, on my mind...

Friday, January 25, 2008

Exit night ...

Exit night ...
Originally uploaded by tormave.
08:28 24 January, 2008 Image001 ... enter light! Even though winter is yet to make an appearance, the spring is already underway and the days are getting longer.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Room with a view

Room with a view
Originally uploaded by tormave.
13:50 20 January, 2008 20012008031 Most of the time when on a business trip you get a hotel room with a view to pretty much nothing worth seeing. Not this time. This the the view from Hotel Saaga to Ylläs mountain. It's almost two o'clock so the sun is setting already as the place is north of the Arctic Circle.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sleeping swans, part II

Sleeping swans, part II
Originally uploaded by tormave.
16:59 08 January, 2008 Image006 Last night those hapless birds had decided that it's better to sleep on the ice. It's been a very warm winter thus far, but someone really ought to tell these birds they are of the migrating kind.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sleeping swans

Sleeping swans
Originally uploaded by tormave.
08:45 08 January, 2008 Image004 The early swan doesn't get stuck in ice. The picture is quite crappy but could not resist taking it anyway. The sea is freezing quite rapidly now and I wonder whether these sleeping beauties will get their tails frozen stuck before they wake up.

Monday, January 7, 2008

It's oh so quiet

It's oh so quiet
Originally uploaded by tormave.
16:52 07 January, 2008 Image First snow finally arrived and it was simply a perfect moment today to pedal home in the four inches of powder snow. It's soft and makes everything very quiet around you. The bike feels unconnected from the road - floaty. You feel so alive with more snow whistling around in the wind and stinging your face like acupuncture needles.I was listening to Enya in my headsets and saw these two swans swimming in the sea in the last spot where the inlet wasn't frozen yet. It was such a perfect moment that I decided to film a short bit of the trip with my mobile phone. The result has a lot of shakes and wind noise, but I posted it anyway to my channel (

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Greener Christmas

Greener Christmas
Originally uploaded by tormave.
This was the second Christmas we didn't buy a tree but used one in our back yard. The lights are LEDs so the amount of power needed should not melt the polar caps either.