Sunday, December 4, 2011

A rare Finnish bat seen in India

Once I get to Finland I really should figure out what's wrong with my back. It's bothered me on and off for almost 20 years, but nobody's been able to tell me what's wrong with it, exactly. I originally injured it inthe gym doing leg presses but nowadays it gets sore if I don't stretch my posterior chain often and hard enough.

I've provided the local kids plenty of amusement by hanging upside down in the nearby playground. I got these hooks a long time ago, but they've served me well over the years. I can really feel the lower back stretch a lot once I can get all the muscles to relax. I hang for a maximum of 60 secs at a time. I don't know how long I should be upside down to pass out, but want to stay far from the limit.

It's better to do these without too much stuff in your pockets (speaking from experience).

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